CSD Gives Back: Toy Mountain
We posted briefly about this charity event on the CSD website. However we were mistaken in saying that gently used toys could be donated. All donations must be unwrapped and new toys in original packaging. According to the Toy Mountain Website : “Toy Mountain is typically short on toys for boys and girls in the 0-2 and 11-12 year old categories. Donations for these age groups are especially appreciated.”
There will be a display set up at our Larkin location where your donations can be dropped off. If you would prefer to give a cash donation we will gladly accept and on final day use towards the purchase of toys. There will be an envelope placed at the front desk for any cash donations. Cheques can also be written and should be made out to The Salvation Army. You can drop your generous gift(s) off at our Larkin location anywhere between now and Monday Dec 14th. Lets pull together CSD and help bring some Christmas cheer to some children this year!!
Finally, we want to wish a safe and Happy Holiday to all of our CSD families!!
Your CSD Spirit Squad!!
Maxine Adjeleian, Rachel Adjeleian, Kevin Atkinson, Emeline C-Z, Emily Missios, Michael Missios, and Kathleen Pick.