CSD’s Second Annual Christmas Party Sleepover
We are super excited to be hosting our second annual CSD Christmas Party/Sleepover. Lots of thought and planning are going into making this special event one to remember!!
Pizza and refreshments will be provided. We could use some cookies and treats to add to the festivities, if you are able to help in that area it would be greatly appreciated!! Please ensure that all ingredients are listed on any homemade goodies. Due to high allergy risk it would be best to avoid any nut products. Some other ideas are chips, cheetos, popcorn, veggie platters, fruit platters, crackers and cheese (please bring in containers so that we can store any leftovers in the fridge.
Some parent volunteers will be required for the night so please indicate on your permission form if you are able to stay and volunteer? Please understand that although we would love for you to all be there we will only contact you if you are needed. The number will depend on how many children are attending. The party is open to all pre-comp and comp students and we hope to see you all there!!
Permission forms will be available at both Larkin and Greenbank locations. They can be filled out and left at Larkin office in a folder left at the front desk. All permission forms MUST be received by December 16th in order for us to make sure we plan accordingly.