COVID-19 Update – Summer Programs 2021

Here at the Canadian School of Dance, safety comes first. Our staff have been working tirelessly to ensure a safe and smooth transition back into the studio while maintaining nothing but the highest standards outlined by the City of Ottawa Public Health Guidelines. Routine cleaning is done every night and will be done between classes to stop the spread of the Novel COVID-19 Virus. CSD has two different FOG machines in each building for added cleaning protocols.

Before entering the studio, each family is accountable to ensure their dancer, and entire household has NO symptoms relating to COVID-19.


When entering the studio, arrows have been placed to guide your dancers to their studio space. This is to prevent any unnecessary crossing between other students. Each studio is marked with 6-foot markers to maintain the proper distance between our dancers during class time. Sanitation stations are located at the front of our facilities, outside of washrooms, and in each studio; anyone who enters will be able to sanitize before proceeding into the studio space. No-Touch thermometers are available for teachers at both studio locations and will be used at their discretion.

As outlined by Ottawa Public Health, masks are mandatory within our facilities until further notice – including during class. Masks will be worn by all staff members and dancers unless dancers need to remove them for health reasons.

Hybrid Zoom options are available for all of our classes, except higher levels of Acro. Zoom is not an option for our Summer Camps.


We have created an organized system for your dancers to follow, regarding entering and exiting the building.

Every class will be excused 5 minutes early. This is to ensure there is enough time for the current class to exit the building, one studio at a time, while the next class lines up outside. This will also allow teachers to wipe down all the high-touch areas including doorknobs, barres, mats as well as any floor area pending dance discipline. The next class will be prompted to enter the building (wearing a mask), once the previous class has left, and so on.

Late drop-off and pick-up will NOT be tolerated. For the safety of everyone, we ask that you please be prompt. Your child may arrive 5 minutes early and you may pick them up within 5 minutes after their class.

We ask parents to remain outside as we would like to keep the number of people entering the building to a minimum. Parents of children under 5-years may accompany their child into the building until their child is settled in the classroom. For pick-up, please wait in the hallway if your child is under the age of 5. If they’re 6+ years, please wait outside. 5 minutes before the end of class the teacher will bring the dancers to you. Please use the hand sanitizer, follow the outlined protocols, practice social distancing, and wear your mask. If you have any questions please call (613) 825-0907 before visiting our office or email us at

Our teachers will be in communication regarding bathroom visits. We understand how this can be a concern and are going to be actively monitoring it. Teachers will ensure no more than one person is visiting the washroom at a time and high-touch areas will be wiped down. That being said, we highly encourage you to have your child use the washroom before coming to the studio.

What happens if we discover a case of COVID-19?

If we discover a case of COVID-19 within our studio, we will notify Public Health, provide them with the information they need, and follow their direction.

Please remember that the situation is continually evolving, so it is important as citizens and community members that we stay up to date with current guidelines by Ottawa Public Health authorities

Thank you kindly, and we look forward to an awesome Summer of dance!

Please note: We’ve prepared this document in anticipation of a province-wide re-opening. Our guidelines will be updated per provincial and city-wide public health guidelines. Stay tuned for updates!