Convention 2015 and More

Our competitive dance year kicks off as Summer turns to Fall, peaks with Nationals in early July, and then cruises into summer on a high note. This year, though different in many ways, was no exception.

We began the competitive year with a renewed focus and an unwavering passion that drove our dancers to reach further…and excel. We are immeasurably proud not just of what our dancers have accomplished but of the grace, dignity, and increased sense of family that came with it.

This year’s CSD Professional Convention fed off the recharged energy of the school and our students as we opened our doors to dancers from all around Ottawa. Couple that with the incomparable contributions of our unparalleled guest faculty and you have a recipe for an amazing experience.

Over two weeks this August, our guest students, competitive (and for the first time ever, our part-time competitive) dancers had the opportunity to engage in intensive study with some of the most amazing (and most generous) teachers and choreographers around.

Our endless thanks to Scott Fowler, Michael Taylor, Mikey Perkins, Linda Garneau, Marq Frerichs, Noel Bajandas, and Vlad for giving so much of themselves to help shape our dancers, to inspire them…to believe in them. Our dancers absorbed every word, position, story, and move to challenge, improve, and believe in themselves in a way that can only be inspired by trust, dedication, and a shared vision and understanding.

Pictures of the Convention (courtesy of Charlene Burnside Photography) are available on our Facebook page and if it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, those photos are priceless. Each picture tells a story about the dedication, commitment and sheer enjoyment our dancers and faculty shared during those intense – and intensely fun – days.

With this last year under our belts, we can look ahead to the year on the horizon and know that there is so much fun to be had and so many priceless opportunities and experiences just waiting for CSD to come dancing our way into.